The normal methods to determine activation energy, most probable mechanism function and pre-exponential factor in thermal analysis kinetics ( TAK) were described in the former part of this paper. 介绍了热分析动力学(TAK)的基本研究方法,包括如何求解活化能、确定最概然机理函数和指前因子。
The TG curves of TATB and it's impurities are given in this paper. The thermal decomposition activation energy and pre-exponential factor of TATB and it's impurities are calculated by Ozawa method. The reaction mechanism and kinetics equation of the thermal decomposition are studied. 用热重法测得了TATB、TCTNB和TCDNB在不同升温速率的热重曲线,根据Ozawa方法计算得到了热分解活化能和指前因子,研究了热分解反应机理和动力学方程。
The activation energy was 171.7 kJ/ mol, and the Arrhenius pre-exponential factor was 2.99 × 10 11. 反应的实验活化能为171.7kJ/mol,前置因子A为2.99×1011。
Kinetic parameters, such as activation energy, pre-exponential factor and reaction order and reaction heat are calculated using reaction rate method and mechanism function method. 利用速率常数法和机理函数法计算了绝热分解的活化能、指前因子、反应级数等动力学参数和反应热等热力学参数。
After establishing the most probable general expression of differential and integral mechanism functions by the logical choice method, the corresponding values of the apparent activation energy ( E_a), pre-exponential factor ( A) and reaction order ( n) will be obtained by the exothermic rate equation. 在逻辑选择建立了微分和积分机理函数的最可几一般表达式后,用放热速率方程得到相应的表观活化能(Ea)、指前因子(A)和反应级数(n)的值。
The activation energy and the pre-exponential factor of the relaxation time were deduced as 0.7~ 1.0 eV and 10~ (-10)~ 10~ (-12) s, respectively. 计算出激活能为0.7~1.0eV,弛豫时间指数前因子为10-10~10-12秒。
According to thermal analysis data, the non-isothermal kinetic data ( E-the apparent activation energy, A-the pre-exponential factor) were analyzed by means of integral and differential methods. 根据热分析数据,运用积分法和微分法计算得到配合物的热分解动力学参数:表观活化能E和指前因子A,从而推断出部分配合物脱水过程的动力学机理和机理函数。
The pyrolysis kinetics parameters of oil shale, i. e. the apparent activation energy E, the pre-exponential factor A and the corresponding expressions of rate constants for pyrolysis reactions were found by least square curve fitting of pyrolysis data. 求取了这三个温区内页岩试样的热解动力学参数,即表观活化能E、指数前因子A和相应的反应速率常数表达式,并对茂名油页岩的热分解机理进行了初步的探讨。
Thermal properties of sawdust and its hydrolysis residues were studied using TG ( thermogravimetry) and DTG ( derivation thermogravimetry) curves obtained in N_2 atmosphere. The activation energy and pre-exponential factor for pyrolysis of the residues were estimated from the kinetic models for first order parallel reactions. 研究了木屑以及水解残渣在氮气氛围下的TG和DTG曲线,着重探索残渣的裂解特性,并与木屑的热解特性作了比较,给出残渣热裂解一级平行动力学模型及其频率因子和活化能。
By means of least square curve fitting of the thermogravimetric data, the pyrolysis kinetic parameters i.e. apparent activation energy E and pre-exponential factor A of two Fushun oil shales were determined respectively, and kinetic features of pyrolysis of two Fushun oil shales were discussed. 借助于热重实验数据的最小二乘拟合,分别确定了两种抚顺页岩的热解动力学参数值,即表观活化能E与指数前因子A,并对两种抚顺页岩热解过程的动力学特征进行了讨论。
The heat decomposition of the resin was studied using TG, and its thermo parameters such as activation energy Ea, pre-exponential factor A, entropy of activation S~, free energy of activation G, enthalpy of activation H were determined. 利用热重法对该树脂的热分解动力学过程进行研究,并计算了热分解动力学参数:活化能Ea,指前因子A,反应熵S,反应自由能G,反应焓H。
The cure kinetics parameters such as activation energy, reaction order and pre-exponential factor are obtained by Kissinger and Crane formula, which establishes the basis for simulating the cure reaction kinetics model. 用kissinger公式以及Crane公式计算得到了表观活化能、固化反应级数以及频率因子等固化动力学参数,为模拟固化反应动力学模型奠定了基础。
At the base of reasonable analysis of the toluene oxidation process, a reaction network and kinetic model are built. The reaction order, pre-exponential factor and activation energy are calculated according to experimental kinetic data. 通过对甲苯氧化过程合理分析,提出反应网络及动力学模型,根据实验动力学数据计算出反应级数、指前因子和活化能。
There are many studies on kinetics of thermal decomposition, while the study about the effect of particle size on the kinetics of solid-liquid reaction is still little and the report about the affect interpretation of particle size on the pre-exponential factor and reaction constant has not been found. 这方面研究较多的是粒度对反应物热分解动力学的影响,而粒度对固液反应动力学和机理的研究还很少,并且关于粒度对指前因子和速率常数的影响机理的研究还未见报道。
The article uses the TG and DSC curves of different kinds of coal for thermo-kinetic analysis and calculates different kinds of reaction mechanism of coal and the ignition activation energy of weight gain phase and correlation degree and pre-exponential factor. 分别用TG、DSC曲线对不同煤样进行了热动力学分析,计算了不同煤样的反应机理函数、增重阶段的着火活化能、相关度及指前因子。
The activation energy and pre-exponential factor both increase with the increasing fraction α after Te doping, and the values are all higher than that of FeSe system. Te掺杂后激活能和指前因子均随转变分数增长而增大,其值均高于Fe-Se体系。
It is analysed that biomass pyrolytic process should be divided into two stages and establish dynamic model respectively. The dynamic parameters such as activation energies and pre-exponential factor will finally be obtained more reasonably. 在动力学分析中,本文利用Malek法确定最概然机理函数,分析得出生物质热解过程需分为两个阶段分别建立动力学模型,近而最终求得较为合理的反应活化能及指前因子。
At last, in connection with coal sectional activation energy and pre-exponential factor, correspondingly oxidation reaction rate was respectively derived for each segment, using piecewise-weighted calculation method, coal spontaneous combustion period was derived. 最后针对煤分段的活化能和指前因子分别求出相应的每段氧化反应速率,采用分段计算方法求出煤的自然发火期。
The values of activity energy, integral adsorption heat and pre-exponential factor were obtained by the kinetic parameters estimated from the model. 通过模型估计得到的参数值,计算出了各步可逆反应的活化能、积分吸附热和指前因子的值。